In no certain order..
1. Cathedral tour of Italy
2. Find Sasquatch footprint
3. Shoot a Bull Elk 6x6 or 7x7
4. Shoot Cow Elk
5. Shoot A Moose 60"+
6. Shoot Caribou
7. Shoot a pronghorn Antelope
8. Shoot a Big Horn sheep
9. Get my turkey Grand slam
10. Preach in front of a very very large crowd
11. Get an awesome Rubicon trail ready Jeep
12. Take family to Alaska and Ireland
13. Make my wife very happy
14. See U2
15. Roast a pig on a spit
16. Be debt free
17. Own home/land
18. Go on a sabbatical
19. Visit Sardinia with my family
20. Eat a Guinea Pig
21. Hang out with Anthony Bourdain
22. Surf
23. Fly Fish Yellowstone
24. Teach my wife how to fly-fish
25. Fish Alaska
26. Have a Man Cave
27. Get to 190lbs
28. Unearth my 6 pack
29. run some sort of marathon
30. Scuba Dive
31. Shoot a big Mule Deer with Amanda
32. Get a Tattoo with Amanda
33. Write a book
34. Visit the Vatican
35. Get new clothes
36. New hot tub
37. Brew Beer
38. Climb a fourteen-er in Co. and raft a class 5+
39. Build a dugout canoe with fire
40. Finish Sleeves
Grab a Fork, This Life is Great.
10 years ago