I understand that my last post said to be continued. The continued part is basically this. I threw my sermon in the air and began to trust that God's Holy Spirit would give me the words that needed to be preached. That I understood that my theology is built upon a strong biblical tradition that is found with in the Lutheran church, and I could preach the word of God without over preparing anymore. I found a freedom by trusting God's Spirit to be at work in my life. This freedom has become a necessity in ministry.........This was not the to be continued that I had expected to write. It's lackluster and truly deserves a much more descriptive and witty telling...but I'm feeling a bit melancholy.
Today I'm sad. Worship went really well. I preached on love and discipleship and I felt it went well also. But I'm sad. A couple whom I was really getting to know and respect decided to leave the church and seek elsewhere. This is always difficult for me and saddens me because I put so much of myself into teaching and building relationship with others that when there is a break it hurts. But I trust that God is at work and leading them down the path that is right for them. My prayers go with them, and though the time was short I thank God for having met them. God's speed friends.
Grab a Fork, This Life is Great.
10 years ago
Apparently the people who left the congregation thought I was publicly shaming them with this blog post. Let me be very clear that this was not my intention at all. I want nothing but for them to be happy and find what they seek in a Christ centered biblical church. They are wonderful people. And I truly meant it when I said that I do thank God for having known them.